Guylène Kirschmann
Lab manager

Guylène Kirschmann has been working as a lab technician of the Pain Center of the CHUV since 2008. She developed a strong technical expertise is microsurgery and behavior assessment. She is contributing to many projects in the lab. Since 2022 she is the lab manager and contributes to the everyday well-being on the bench and supports the principal investigator for administrative duties. She improves also the transmission of information by the development of databases, scoresheets, etc. and helped set-up of the electronic lab book.
Guylène Kirschmann
Research group of Marc R. Suter
Pain Center, CHUV & DNF, Faculty of Biology and Medicine University of Lausanne (UNIL), rue du Bugnon 9 CH - 1005 Lausanne
T : +41 (0)21 692 52 76
All Group Members
M. R. Suter
P. Chu Sin Chung
I. Decosterd
F. A. Deftu
M. Isler
G. Kirschmann
N. Magnenat
A. G. . Piotti