Nathan Magnenat

I graduated from high school in 2020 in Nyon, with Biology/Chemistry as my option. Initially, I pursued studies in political science at university, but I soon realized that a curriculum based solely on theory, without practical application, wasn't the right fit for me. This led me to join the ESsanté program, where I am currently training to become a lab technician. As part of my studies, I will be spending four months in Marc Suter's laboratory to gain hands-on experience in the field.
Nathan Magnenat
Research group of Marc R. Suter
DNF, rue du Bugnon 9 - 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T : +41 (0)21 692 52 69
All Group Members
M. R. Suter
P. Chu Sin Chung
I. Decosterd
F. A. Deftu
M. Isler
G. Kirschmann
N. Magnenat
A. G. . Piotti