Anita Lüthi
Gaining insight into the roles of sleep for neuronal function
2024, April 10th - by A. Lüthi
Dr. Julie Buron is our new postdoctoral collaborator, bringing her expertise in brainstem circuits to the field of sleep!
2023, September 20th - by Eric Bernardi
The Luthi lab welcomes Sara Maley to assist us in our projects! We are very happy that Sara joined us and that we will count on her expertise in sleep and synaptic plasticity.
2023, March 16th - by Anita Lüthi
Dr. Alejandro Osorio-Forero, former PhD student in the laboratory of Prof. Anita Luthi, has been awarded the Biaggi de Blasys Award for his PhD thesis. This award is bestowed upon the best PhD thesis in the Lemanic Area. Alejandro’s thesis describes the discovery of noradrenaline fluctuations during sleep, which reverses textbook knowledge of noradrenaline being a neurotransmitter for wakefulness. His thesis has spurred the interest in noradrenergic activity in human sleep and in its disruptions in neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions. The Luthilab thanks the sponsor Dr. Biaggi de Blasys for this award and the selection committee for their recognition of this work. This is already the third time that the Luthi lab has received the Biaggi de Blasys award, making it rank amongst the most awarded labs in the Lemanic Area.