Kyriaki Foka
Post-doctoral fellow

Kyriaki obtained her Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience at the University of Thrace in Greece. During her Ph.D. she studied the role of schizophrenia-associated molecules in Drosophila using behavioural and pharmacogenetic approaches focusing on molecular and neuronal pathways that govern the process. Kyriaki joined the team of Prof. Bagni in 2024 to investigate the effect of mutations in genes linked with ASD in humans, using Drosophila melanogaster as an ASD model. Next, she will explore pharmacological avenues to ameliorate ASD-like phenotypes.
Kyriaki Foka
Research group of Claudia Bagni
DNF, rue du Bugnon 9 - 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T : +41 (0)21 692 51 18
All Group Members
C. Bagni
T. Achsel
G. Aiello
A. Crevoisier
D. Estade
K. Foka
C. Fusco
A. Goossens
A. Idrizi
M. Pompili
M. . Reinero
N. Tröndle
B. Vidimova
J. Viguie
Alumni Members
V. Altanov
B. Annovi
C. Aubry
E. Barilli
S. Bouteiller
J. Brechon
K. Castro Grokoski
C. L. Chen
N. Dominguez
D. Gastaldo
C. Gutierrez de Velazco
M. Hilal
F. Hollis
A. Kanellopoulos
E. Khamitov
E. Kotlova
Y. Li
A. Lo
V. Mariano
C. Maza
V. Mercaldo
M. Midroit
A. Milentijevic
G. Pedini
C. Ramel
E. Rosina
A. Vandenbroucque
A. Vannelli