Mélanie Reinero
Lab technician

Mélanie obtained her technician’s diploma from the Lycée Lumière Luxeuil-Les-Bains, France and a Professional degree from the Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Dijon in 2015. She joined the Puyal-Truttmann, Bagni and Telley groups in April 2017 where she assists the other members with their day-to-day tasks.
Mélanie Reinero
Research Groups of J. Puyal
DNF - University of Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 9 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T: +41 21 692 51 30
All Group Members
C. Bagni
T. Achsel
G. Aiello
A. Crevoisier
D. Estade
K. Foka
C. Fusco
A. Goossens
A. Idrizi
M. Pompili
M. . Reinero
N. Tröndle
B. Vidimova
J. Viguie
Alumni Members
V. Altanov
B. Annovi
C. Aubry
E. Barilli
S. Bouteiller
J. Brechon
K. Castro Grokoski
C. L. Chen
N. Dominguez
D. Gastaldo
C. Gutierrez de Velazco
M. Hilal
F. Hollis
A. Kanellopoulos
E. Khamitov
E. Kotlova
Y. Li
A. Lo
V. Mariano
C. Maza
V. Mercaldo
M. Midroit
A. Milentijevic
G. Pedini
C. Ramel
E. Rosina
A. Vandenbroucque
A. Vannelli