Cindy Ramel
Master student

Cindy obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Biology at the University of Lausanne. She is now pursuing a Master’s degree in Medical Biology with a specialization in oncology and immunology. Additionally, with a strong interest in neurosciences, she joined Prof. Claudia Bagni’s research group for her Master’s project. Cindy is studying human forebrain organoids, aiming to better investigate neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism spectrum disorders.
Cindy Ramel
Research group of Claudia Bagni
DNF, rue du Bugnon 9 - 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T : +41 (0)21 692 52 74
All Group Members
C. Bagni
T. Achsel
G. Aiello
A. Crevoisier
D. Estade
K. Foka
C. Fusco
A. Goossens
A. Idrizi
M. Pompili
M. . Reinero
N. Tröndle
B. Vidimova
J. Viguie
Alumni Members
V. Altanov
B. Annovi
C. Aubry
E. Barilli
S. Bouteiller
J. Brechon
K. Castro Grokoski
C. L. Chen
N. Dominguez
D. Gastaldo
C. Gutierrez de Velazco
M. Hilal
F. Hollis
A. Kanellopoulos
E. Khamitov
E. Kotlova
Y. Li
A. Lo
V. Mariano
C. Maza
V. Mercaldo
M. Midroit
A. Milentijevic
G. Pedini
C. Ramel
E. Rosina
A. Vandenbroucque
A. Vannelli