Tilmann Achsel
Staff Scientist

After studies in chemistry and a Ph.D. in biochemistry, Tilmann steadily moved towards the interesting question: how does a complicated cell such as a neuron adjust its proteome to the ever-changing conditions? A big part of the answer lies in post-transcriptional regulation: pre-mRNA splicing, translation regulation, mRNA localization and mRNA decay.
Tilmann Achsel
Research Group of Claudia Bagni
DNF, rue du Bugnon 9 - 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T : +41 (0)21 692 52 68
All Group Members
C. Bagni
T. Achsel
G. Aiello
A. Crevoisier
D. Estade
K. Foka
C. Fusco
A. Goossens
A. Idrizi
M. Pompili
M. . Reinero
N. Tröndle
B. Vidimova
J. Viguie
Alumni Members
V. Altanov
B. Annovi
C. Aubry
E. Barilli
S. Bouteiller
J. Brechon
K. Castro Grokoski
C. L. Chen
N. Dominguez
D. Gastaldo
C. Gutierrez de Velazco
M. Hilal
F. Hollis
A. Kanellopoulos
E. Khamitov
E. Kotlova
Y. Li
A. Lo
V. Mariano
C. Maza
V. Mercaldo
M. Midroit
A. Milentijevic
G. Pedini
C. Ramel
E. Rosina
A. Vandenbroucque
A. Vannelli