Gil Vantomme
Chercheur FNS senior

Gil comes from Belgium and moved to Lausanne in 2012 to follow the Master’s in Medical Biology. In 2015 he became a PhD student in the Lüthi lab. He is investigating the potential role of the thalamic reticular nucleus in the spatial navigation system. Agreeably he also helps as member of the DNF PhD committee.
Gil Vantomme
Research Group of Anita Lüthi
DNF - University of Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 9 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T: +41 21 692 51 34
All Group Members
A. Lüthi
L. Banterle
M. Benjdya
J. Buron
C. . Devenoges
J. Ferreira Morais
G. Foustoukos
L. M.J. Fernandez
P. Milanese
A. Stephan