Aurélie Guillaume Gentil
Master student

Aurélie Guillaume-Gentil has obtained her bachelor degree in Biology in Neuchâtel (Unine). Then she started a Master in Medical Biology in Lausanne (Unil) during which she joined the laboratory of Anita Lüthi to do her master thesis. She will work on a project exploring the role of sleep in memory.
Aurélie Guillaume Gentil
Research group of Anita Lüthi
DNF, rue du Bugnon 9 - 1005 Lausanne – Switzerland
T : +41 (0)21 692 51 34
All Group Members
A. Lüthi
L. Banterle
M. Benjdya
J. Buron
C. . Devenoges
J. Ferreira Morais
G. Foustoukos
L. M.J. Fernandez
P. Milanese
A. Stephan